Urban Fuel Conversation

It was an unexpected Urban Fuel conversation that made my day.
I walk into Urban Fuel Coffee House on this rainy, spring day. It's cold and damp outside, but cozy and inviting inside. I'm greeted with smiles and offered a glass of water. "Regular or cucumber infused?" they ask. Infused please. I order my usual whole milk latte and find a seat. I love the noise that surrounds me. It's a sign this small business is thriving. Urban Fuel brings friends and family together. I LOVE that! I hear children laughing and crying, while others are conversing face to face.
A part of me feels guilty that I don't have my children with me. I dropped them off to be watch by someone else. The mom guilt automatically sets in. I shouldn't feel the guilt though. This is my time to photograph, write and blog. Most importantly, this is my time to just be. We all need this time to ourselves once in a while. Some prefer to have the company of others all the time, that's ok too. Being alone is one of MY favorite things. Maybe because it's so rare these days. It's when I'm alone that I create some of my best work. When I find the most inspiration.

I thought I wanted to be alone this morning.
As it turns out, the unexpected conversation was exactly what I needed. This conversation reminded me of the importance of human connection. It's beyond important for us to get out of the office, turn off devices and socialize once in a while. Urban Fuel is the perfect place to unplug. I look forward to returning again soon.
Want to learn more about this particular conversation? Well, that's a whole different blog post. Stay tuned...
In the meantime, CLICK HERE to see the progress I've made so far.

I highly recommend a visit to Urban Fuel Coffee House.
You never know what conversations will spark. And even if they don't, you'll be greeted with a smile and enjoy a fantastic cup of coffee!
[…] CLICK HERE to read about the original visit to Urban Fuel Coffeehouse. […]