Accountability Helps Achieve Goals


Accountability helps achieve goals.

Just when I want to quit, I turn to those that support me.  My family keeps me on track to reach my goal.  There are times I regret this decision to do 100 blog posts in 100 days.  I have a LONG way to go, 83 days to be exact.  But I am confident it can and will be done.

Sometimes I stay up TOO LATE!  Other times, I get up TOO EARLY!  It's wearing on me.  But my family helps hold me accountable.  Accountability helps achieve goals.


Why am I doing this grueling task?

I’m attempting to build a business around my needs and wants.  My passions and desires.

Chances are slim it will work.  But, I'm saying there's a chance!  Just like my son said, “You never know unless you try!”

It's hard and often times I want to give up.  Sitting down and actually doing the work is difficult.  Even daunting.  I'm doing the work anyway.  Day in and day out.

I remind myself to take a deep breath.  It's not worth an anxiety attack!

I invite you along on this journey.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on 100 Blog Posts in 100 Days!

CLICK HERE to check out where it all began.


Click to read Day 18:  Lake Michigan Vacation


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  1. […] Whether it's health, fitness, career or personal, I learned Accountability Helps Achieve Goals […]

  2. […]  My family is holding me accountable, as a result, I'm on track to achieve my goals […]