Lake Michigan Cottage Vacation
Our Lake Michigan cottage vacation was truly amazing.
Fog moves in quickly, consuming us. It's late spring, but the chill in the air makes it feel otherwise. We're wrapped in blankets, head to toe. Able to move just enough to sip our wine and tend to the fire. Two cousins, a sister and me.
Between the four of us, we have 10 kids. 10 KIDS! Needless to say, we needed this Lake Michigan cottage vacation to keep our sanity. It was long overdue.

From the east, I hear the sound of waves rolling up to the shore.
From the west, I hear nothing but laughter. Both are music to my ears.

We may be different, but we're from the same family tree.
It's branches grow in different directions. But, they're rooted down to the core. The trunk keeps us grounded, together and connected.
This Lake Michigan cottage vacation was good for my soul. I am beyond blessed to spend it with three of my favorite people.

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100 blog posts in 100 days. There will be times of triumph and times of struggle, but I show up through it all.
CLICK HERE to see life can be relaxing even with children in tow and take a trip to the Wisconsin Northwoods.
Click to read Day 19: Prepare For Rejection
- Where we stayed: Lake Michigan Cottage
- Travel Wisconsin
- Lake Michigan Destinations